The State Board of Education (SBOE) held its monthly meetings May 9 and May 10. The agenda, which can be found HERE, includes links to all items considered by the board.
Board members recognized the service of several guests and approved an updated teacher salary schedule and other board items, including adoption of courses. Additionally, the SBOE approved to post a proposed name change of the Teaching as a Profession pathway.
Presentations on GOSA Audit & Strategic Waivers
During SBOE committee meetings Wednesday, May 9, the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement (GOSA) provided a brief update on GOSA’s required audit of Georgia student assessments. GOSA has flagged 179 schools for inclusion in its ongoing Milestones audit and will prepare a final report and findings when the audit is complete.

GaDOE staff presented changes to strategic waiver school systems (SWSS) for 2024, including:
Consistency in SWSS timeline and procedure
Updated accountability measures aligned with state law, Georgia’s ESSA plan, and SB 68
Interventions and supports aligned with school improvement systems
Increased focus on flexibility to enhance student achievement
Streamlines application and contracting process

During the SWSS presentation, Georgia Teacher of the Year Christy Todd encouraged exploration of the impact on teachers of class size and duty-free lunch waivers. Todd’s comments reflect concerns shared by PAGE and repeatedly expressed by many Georgia educators since the strategic waiver program was created, a move PAGE opposed.
Superintendent’s Report, Recognition of Guests, & Student Performance

During his report to the board Thursday, May 9, Superintendent Woods recognized Todd and mentioned that a new state teacher of the year will soon be named. Like Todd, this teacher of the year will serve as an advisor to the SBOE.
Woods also recognized Robin Hines, Executive Director of the Georgia High School Association, who will soon retire from GHSA.

SBOE members Helen Rice and Lisa Kinnemore recognized Tina Engberg from Decoding Dyslexia Georgia for Engberg’s work and shared a gubernatorial commendation.

Christy Todd noted it was Teacher Appreciation Week and expressed her own appreciation for teachers. Todd then introduced students and educators from Mountain Park Elementary School in Fulton County, including music therapy teacher, Amber Weldon-Stephens. Todd commended Weldon-Stephens’ work and the benefits of music therapy. The Mountain Park students performed several songs while signing the words as they sang.
Committee of the Whole Approves CTAE Standards & Name Change of Teaching as a Profession
The SBOE convened its Committee of the Whole and approved its consent agenda, including the following Career Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE) standards:
The board also approved to post an item changing the name of the “Teaching as a Profession” pathway to “Education as a Profession.”
Before adjourning, the board unanimously voted against a nepotism waiver requested in Long County. The item was called for a separate vote and involved a Long County school board member whose spouse is employed in district leadership.
Updated State Salary Schedule Approved
As part of its approval of the consent agenda, the board approved the 2024-2025 state teacher salary schedule, which incorporates a $2,500 raise signed into law by Gov. Brian P. Kemp earlier this week. The raise, for which PAGE advocated, brings the starting base salary of Georgia’s teachers to $43,592.
Next SBOE Meeting
The next board meetings will be held June 12 and June 13. The full calendar of 2024 SBOE meetings can be found HERE.