The State Board of Education (SBOE) held its first meetings of 2024 on Jan. 10 and 11. The agenda, which can be found HERE, includes links to all items considered by the board.
During the meeting, the board approved two rules relating to student assessment and literacy requirements. Rule 160-3-1-.07 Testing Programs – Student Assessment, reflects adoption of mathematics and English Language Arts courses that will be assessed using student testing aligned with new state standards. The rule will also provide exemption from the GKIDS English Language Arts portion for kindergarten students who are administered dyslexia and universal reading screeners. Rule 160-4-2-.40 Georgia Early Literacy Act Requirementss incorporates language relating to HB 538 requirements that was originally included in Rule 160-3-1.07 before being separated into a distinct rule.
Additionally, the board approved Rule 160-5-1-.33 Strategic Waivers and Title 20/No Waivers School Systems. The change aligns certain sections of the Georgia Department of Education’s (GaDOE's) strategic waiver school system (SWSS) and charter system waiver rules with recent updates to state law and Georgia's amended Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) state plan. It also incorporates language related to the requirements of local education agencies to maintain or achieve financial stability.
Course and Standards Approvals
The board approved posting amendments to the K-12 Standards for Health Education for public comment. These amendments focus on incorporating instruction in the lifesaving potential of organ and tissue donation and information on the statewide organ donor registry system. Citing his family's experience with organ donation, Sen John Albers (R-Roswell) spoke in favor of the measure on Jan. 10. Public comment on the proposed amendments can be submitted HERE.
Finally, the board also acted on the following new course: Elementary School CTAE Cluster - Business and Office Administration and Information Technology
CCRPI Changes
Allison Timberlake, deputy superintendent for assessment & accountability at GaDOE, provided an update on the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI). Timberlake noted that 2023 marked the first full release of the CCRPI since 2019 due to pandemic-related issues. As part of a recently approved amendment to Georgia's ESSA plan, several changes have been made to the CCRPI including eliminating the overall 0-100 score while maintaining similar scores for individual components and indicators. This was done in an attempt to avoid oversimplifying school performance.

Superintendents Report and Other Presentations
State School Superintendent Richard Woods used his report to honor State School Nutrition Director Linette Dodson for her work on remote food service during the COVID-19 pandemic to help feed students. Dodson has been awarded the Big Voices for Children award from Voices for Georgia’s Children. Buddy Costley of the Georgia Association of Educational Leaders (GAEL) also updated the board on the joint GAEL and GaDOE school and district leader coaching initiative. Lastly, SBOE member Jason Downey was recognized for his service as immediate past chair of the SBOE.
Next SBOE Meeting
The next board meetings will be held Feb. 21 and 22 in Atlanta.
The full calendar of 2024 SBOE meetings can be found HERE.