The Senate Education & Youth Committee gave unanimous approval to SB 88, which contains most components of Gov. Brian Kemp’s teacher pipeline initiative. The bill aims to:
Facilitate the smooth transition of military veterans into the teaching profession
Prioritize district support for new teachers and those who receive an evaluation of “Needs Development” or “Ineffective”
Set new course requirements in differentiated instruction and literacy instruction for teacher preparation programs
Bolster the number of minority teachers entering the profession by creating innovative programs at historically black colleges and universities.
Include the Georgia Teacher of the Year as an ex officio member of the State Board of Education to provide teacher input more directly in board discussions
More information about Kemp’s proposal is available from PAGE HERE.
Committee members had no questions about the bill, and Chair Chuck Payne (R-Dalton) took no public comments on it. PAGE has communicated its support for SB 88 to lawmakers.

Malcolm Mitchell, a poet, author, and former wide receiver for the Georgia Bulldogs and New England Patriots, was in attendance in support of SB 88 and is pictured with PAGE Director of Legislative Services Margaret Ciccarelli.
Kemp also plans to propose a pathway for some retired teachers to return to the
classroom full-time without altering their retirement benefits. This proposal will be contained in separate legislation, HB 385 by Rep. Shaw Blackmon (R-Bonaire), which was formally introduced yesterday and is expected to begin the committee hearing process soon.