The eighth legislative day of the 2024 session continued to be quiet with little activity from either chamber.
House Committee Hears Bill on High-Demand Career Education

The House Higher Education Committee met to discuss several bills including one dealing with officially designating a list of high-demand careers.
HB 982 by Rep. Matthew Gambill (R-Cartersville) tasks the State Workforce Development Board with publishing an annual “High-demand Career List” which would identify careers deemed most critical to Georgia’s current and future workforce needs. State and local agencies, including local school boards, would be required to use this list to inform their use of federal and state funding and make sure that relevant educational programs are aligned with the list. It also is intended to ensure that funds are used effectively. The bill received a hearing, and no action was taken. During the hearing, committee members expressed concern that a single, statewide list may not give enough local flexibility.
PAGE Family Member Pages

Dot Ciccarell, daughter of Director of Legislative Services Margaret Ciccarelli, served as a legislative page in the House of Representatives. As part of her day assisting House members conducting their business, Dot was able to meet several public figures including Speaker Jon Burns and his wife Dayle, a longtime retired educator who oversees the House page program.
Dot also talked with one of Governor Kemp’s floor leaders, Rep. Gambill, who presented HB 982 in committee.

The page program provides a valuable opportunity for young Georgians to learn about and take part in their state’s lawmaking process. For more information, please follow these links to learn more about the House and Senate programs, respectively.
Upcoming Schedule
Thursday, Jan. 25 - Legislative Day 9
1 p.m. Senate Retirement Committee, 310 CLOB
Friday, Jan. 26 - Legislative Day 10