Day 35 didn't disappoint on education action. It was a busy day on the House and Senate floor and in committees. The Senate passed HB 340, by Rep. Scott Hilton (R-Peachtree Corners), which prohibits K-8 student use of cell phones during the school day. The legislation is supported by PAGE based on educator feedback. We appreciate the bipartisan group of senators who voted to move the bill forward to Gov. Brian Kemp. Two senators voted against it.

The House passed SB 123 by Sen. John Kennedy (R-Macon), which aims to address chronic absenteeism by mandating that school districts re-establish school climate committees to address the issue. The chief superior court judge will head the committee, which is required to convene twice a year. By June 1, 2026, the committees must revise attendance protocols for each district. Each district must also submit an annual absenteeism report to the legislature and make it accessible to the public. If a school system has an absenteeism rate of 10 percent or higher, it must form an attendance review team to investigate the cause of the attendance problem. Additionally, if a school within the district has a 15 percent or higher absenteeism rate, it must establish its own attendance review team. SB 123 also prohibits students from being expelled from public schools solely due to their absences. It passed with only one dissenting vote and moves on to Gov. Kemp for consideration.
Bill Advances Requiring Schools Notify Employees of District Social Security Opt-Out

The Senate Education & Youth Committee passed three bills, which move on to Senate Rules:
HB 37 by Rep. Rob Leverett (R-Elberton) directs local school districts to notify employees about whether Social Security taxes will be withheld from their pay and requires notification of employee eligibility for other pension or retirement plans. Notification must occur at least once every five years and at or near the time of employee separation from a school district.
The bill was amended in committee to include provisions by Sen. Ed Setzler (R-Acworth) allowing school board members to carry spouses and family members on district-provided health and dental plans.
PAGE Legislative Communications Specialist Robert Aycock spoke in support of the bill, stating that HB 37 would help ensure educators are better informed about their retirement finances.
HB 200, by Rep. Debra Bazemore (D-South Fulton), creates a three-year immersive writing pilot program for 2nd through 5th grade students. The program will be funded with up to $2 million in grants, subject to legislative appropriation.
Additional provisions have been added to HB 200 as it moved through the legislative process.
The House Education Committee previously added language requiring that elementary schools, on or after July 1, 2027, include a playground that meets certain ADA requirements.
During this hearing, the Senate Education Committee added language similar to HB 198 by Rep. Johnny Chastain (R-Blue Ridge), which mandates that school leaders provide a written rationale for denying meetings to patriotic societies like scouting organizations.
HB 451, by Rep. Chas Cannon (R-Moultrie), authorizes local boards of education to provide instruction in hunting safety in grades six through 12. The course can be incorporated into an existing course of study and must be taught by a Georgia Department of Natural Resources-certified instructor.
Compromise Version of 'Riley Gaines Act' Passes House Ed

The House Education Committee approved the following bills, which all move to House Rules for consideration:
SB 212 by Sen. Shawn Still (R-Johns Creek) prohibits disclosure of public student directory information to political entities such as candidates, campaign committees, and political action committees. The bill creates a new felony offense punishable by imprisonment of one to 10 years and/or a fine of up to $100,000. It also restricts political candidates and committees from soliciting minors to organize campaign events on school property. Still said the bill contains changes requested by Democratic senators that were not included when they approved it on Crossover Day. The bill passed with several dissenting votes.
SB 148, by Sen. Bo Hatchett (R-Cornelia), authorizes the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) to establish an outdoor learning spaces pilot program in select K-12 schools. It also includes language identical to HB 127 by Rep. Cox, which increases the number of sick days an educator may use for personal leave from three to five days. A substitute version of the bill adds HB 629 by Rep. Lee Hawkins (R-Gainesville), which removes a requirement of having licensed physicians in automated external defibrillator programs at schools. According to a representative from Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, AED manufacturers now employ physicians who approve the devices, and it is burdensome for smaller school districts to find physicians to approve their AED programs. The bill was approved unanimously.
A substitute version of SB 1, the "Riley Gaines Act," by Sen. Greg Dolezal (R-Cumming), which incorporates parts of HB 267 by Rep. Josh Bonner (R-Fayetteville), the House version of the Act, would prohibit males from competing in female-only school sports and prohibit females from competing in male-only sports, with several exceptions. An individual's sex can be observed or clinically verified at or before birth. The bill bans self-identification as a form of verifying a student’s sex. Schools can use medical records or “other standard school medical procedures” to verify or confirm a student’s sex, though the bill prohibits confirming sex through visual inspection.
The bill further mandates that multiple occupancy restrooms, changing areas, and sleeping quarters be designated for exclusive single-sex use. Reasonable accommodations must be made for athletes unwilling or unable to use such facilities.
SB 1 outlines a process by which a student aggrieved by a violation or anticipated violation of its provisions may submit complaints. A parent of an aggrieved student can also use the same complaint process. The bill further provides a private right of action to students who are deprived of an athletic opportunity or suffer any direct or indirect harm from violations of the bill's provisions or if they suffer retaliation or adverse action due to reporting a violation. Suits brought by this right of action must be initiated within two years of the relevant harm or retaliation. The act's provisions would impact private K-12 schools if they participate in Georgia High School Association (GHSA) athletic events.
SB 1 passed along party lines.
House Retirement Plans to Hear Bills After Session

No education-related bills were heard in House Retirement today. Committee Chair Rep. John Carson (R-Marietta) stated that the committee would consider several bills that require fiscal impact studies after the legislative session ends. HB 372 by Rep. Bethany Ballard (R-Warner Robins) and HB 599 by Rep. Sandy Donatucci (R-Buford), which would both reauthorize the current return-work law until 2030, each require a fiscal impact study. PAGE hopes these will be among the bills heard in these off-session meetings.
Committee Considers New Version of Media Materials Bill

The House Judiciary Non-Civil Committee considered a new version of SB 74 by Sen. Max Burns (R-Sylvania), allowing school librarians to be convicted of a misdemeanor for allowing students to access harmful materials. The committee substitute is pictured here and would exempt librarians from criminal responsibility if they were not aware of the harmful materials, if they had flagged the materials for the library's governing body, or if librarians attempted to move the material to a location inaccessible to minors.
PAGE is closely monitoring this concerning legislation, on which the committee did not vote today.
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Senate Higher Ed Adds Families of Educators Killed or Disabled in the Line of Duty to Tuition Grant Program

HB 56 by Rep. Jesse Petrea (R-Savannah) creates a memorial fund for public school teachers and employees killed or disabled in the line of duty. The Georgia Student Finance Authority would manage this fund and would provide tuition grants to the children and spouses of educators killed or disabled. PAGE signed up to testify in support, but the bill was approved without testimony. The bill was approved unanimously and moves to Senate Rules.
Upcoming Schedule

Wednesday, March 26 - Committee Workday
Thursday, March 27 - Legislative Day 36
Senate Ed & Youth Committee, 1 p.m., 450 CAP
Senate Judiciary Committee, 2 p.m., 307 CLOB