Senate Passes Public School Choice Bill & Apprenticeship Legislation

SB 147, the Boundless Opportunities for Georgia Students Act, by Sen. Shawn Still (R-Norcross), would allow students to cross school district lines to attend public schools, if receiving districts choose to enroll them. When presenting SB 147 on the Senate floor, Still referred to it as the “cleanest, simplest school choice bill.” Previous iterations of the bill limited the legislation to virtual education and directed portions of equalization funding to receiving schools. Those provisions were removed from the version of the legislation which passed.
The bill now moves to the House for consideration.

SB 497 by Sen. Billy Hickman (R-Statesboro) expands and re-designates the High-Demand Initiatives Program as the High-Demand Apprenticeship Program. The public service apprenticeship program prioritizes students aged 15-21 and is administered by the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG). It reduces the apprenticeship award to apprentice employers from $10,000 to $5,000.
With only one dissenting vote, SB 497 moves to the House.
Addy’s Law Regarding School Busses Passes House Committee
The House Motor Vehicles Committee approved HB 1284 by Rep. Lauren Daniel (R-Locust Grove), known as “Addy’s Law.” The bill is named in honor of a young student recently killed by a motorist who passed a school bus while its "STOP" arm was deployed. The bill would encourage schools to consider reconfiguring school bus stops. Drivers violating Addy’s Law could be charged with a misdemeanor and fined at least $1,000, jailed for at least 12 months, or both. After a second or subsequent violation, the vehicle owner’s insurance carrier would be notified. An amendment from Rep. Greg Kennard (D-Lawrenceville) to change the fine from $1,000 to a range of $250-$1,000 was approved, and the bill passed the committee unanimously.
It now moves to the House Rules Committee for consideration.
Upcoming Schedule
Wednesday, Feb. 28, Committee Work Day
Thursday, Feb. 29, Legislative Day 28/Crossover Day