Parents' Bill of Rights Legislation Introduced in House & Senate
Gov. Brian Kemp held a news conference to announce filing of legislation that would create a bill of rights for parents to request information about the materials used in their child’s school. The bill seeks to allow parents to request information about their child, including instructional materials, any records regarding the child (e.g., grade reports and attendance records), and other information. Sen. Clint Dixon (R-Gwinnett) will carry the Senate version of the bill while Rep. Josh Bonner (R-Fayetteville) will carry the House version. The bills do not yet have numbers, as they were introduced today; however, the bill can be viewed HERE. The news release can be read HERE.
PAGE will provide in-depth analyses of the bills as they move through the legislative process.
Kemp Announces Massive State Investment in High-Speed Internet Using ARP Relief Funds
Kemp also announced today that the state will invest $408 million received as part of Georgia’s American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act funds in bolstering high-speed internet connectivity in areas of the state that have either no connectivity or low-speed connectivity. The funds will be awarded as grants to 49 recipients, consisting of local governments and local electric membership cooperatives (EMCs) to form partnerships with internet service providers that in turn will reach 70 counties in the state struggling with connectivity issues. These 49 recipients will contribute an additional $230 million in matching funds from their share of COVID-19 relief money for a total of $738 million. CLICK HERE to read more.
Upcoming Schedule
Thursday, Feb. 3: Legislative Day 11
Monday, Feb. 4: Legislative Day 12
2 p.m., House General Government Subcommittee, 506 CLOB