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Day 1: 2025 Session Begins

As the morning sun shone off melting snow, the Georgia General Assembly officially convened for the 2025 Legislative Session. This year represents a reset since it is the first year of a two-year biennium. Several new legislators begin their first terms following November elections. And, all legislation that failed to pass in 2024 must be refiled anew and restart the legislative process.

Both chambers' business was light and primarily administrative. Perhaps the most notable event was Rep. Jon Burns' (R-Newington) reelection by his peers as Speaker of the House.

Senate Recording

House Recording

Full Schedule for 2025 Session Released

One significant action was adoption of an adjournment resolution that sets the schedule for the full 2025 Legislative Session, which is slated to end Friday, April 4. Crossover Day (Legislative Day 28), is scheduled for Thursday, March. 6.

The full adjournment resolution is outlined in the photos below.

Press Conference Outlines Budget & School Safety Priorities

Gov. Brian Kemp along with Lt. Gov. Burt Jones and House Speaker Jon Burns held a joint media conference to outline budget proposals focused on school safety. These proposals include a one-time grant of $50 million for school safety in addition to annual school safety funding of approximately $47,000 per school. Additionally, Kemp called for increased funding to lower the student to school psychologist ratio, a top PAGE legislative priority.

Both Jones and Burns voiced support for Kemp's proposals, and each spoke to additional proposals. Jones predicted the Senate would again pursue passage of Alyssa's Law which would require school systems to implement a mobile panic alert system. Burns highlighted the need for increased information sharing between school systems and other groups to better track and assess possible threats from students. Burns also referenced the House's priority to direct revenue from school zone speed cameras to school safety.

Register for Upcoming Webinar on State Budget

The PAGE Legislative team will hold a webinar focusing on how proposed AFY2025 and FY2026 budgets may affect public education on Wednesday, Jan. 29, at 5 p.m. Register for the free event HERE.

Register now for Feb. 18 PAGE Day on Capitol Hill

Join us Tuesday, Feb. 18, at the Georgia Capitol to listen, learn, and, most importantly, advocate during 2025 PAGE Day on Capitol Hill, Once again, PAGE has partnered with the Georgia Association of Educational Leaders (GAEL) and the Georgia Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (GACTE). Register HERE.


During the morning session, attendees will hear from legislators and other policymakers on pertinent education policy issues including education funding, Georgia's teacher pipeline, the Teacher Retirement System, and more. 

Mid-morning, attendees will engage in advocacy and direct dialogue with legislators under the Gold Dome. The event culminates in a lunch buffet during which state leaders will share remarks. 

Past speakers include Gov. Brian Kemp and State School Superintendent Richard Woods.

Attendees will receive complimentary breakfast and lunch.

Contact Legislative Communications Specialist Robert Aycock at with questions.

Upcoming Schedule

  • Tuesday, January 14 – Legislative Day 2

  • Wednesday, January 15 – Legislative Day 3

  • Thursday, January 16 – Legislative Day 4

  • Friday, January 17 – Legislative Day 5

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