Narcan/Naloxone Bill Approved in House
Late in the evening yesterday (March 26), after publication of the Day 39 Capitol Report, the House approved SB 395 by Sen. Clint Dixon (R-Gwinnett). “Wesley’s Law” is named in memory of a family member of Dixon’s who died of a fentanyl overdose. It requires schools to make a "reasonable effort" to maintain a supply of naloxone/Narcan, an opioid antagonist. The legislation allows teachers to carry and keep the drug in classrooms. The bill protects anyone who uses or chooses not to use naloxone in a school from liability and shields school districts and staff from civil liability. The House Rules Committee amended the bill to include language placing naloxone/Narcan vending machines on college campuses and requiring public government buildings equipped with automated external defibrillators (AEDs) to carry naloxone/Narcan where the AEDs are located.
The bill heads back to the Senate for consideration.
Library Association Bill Changes Considered by House Higher Education

SB 390 by Sen. Larry Walker III (R-Perry) would bar city, county, and regional library trustees and the University System of Georgia from using any public or privately donated funds on any materials, services, or operations offered by the American Library Association (ALA) and its affiliates. The bill allows funds to be allocated for the certification of degree programs and moves the librarian certification to the Georgia Council of Public Libraries.
Changes to the bill offered in committee today would apparently remove the prohibition on the use of private funding for ALA purposes and change references to the current ALA president. Committee Chair Chuck Martin (R-Alpharetta) indicated that the committee does not intend to harm Georgia’s higher institutions and said that proposed changes also strike references to ALA affiliates. There appeared to be some committee confusion on this point, and members inquired whether SB 390 amendments would allow membership in ALA affiliates or whether proposed changes would allow private funds to be spent on ALA affiliates.
The committee is scheduled to meet again tomorrow at 8 a.m.
Upcoming Events
Thursday, March 28 – Legislative Day 40, Sine Die
House Higher Education Committee, 406 CLOB, 8 a.m.